20 Side-by-Side Photos of Brides Before and After Having Their Wedding Makeup Done

Updated Aug. 9 2019, 3:00 p.m. ET

I'll be honest. I have no idea what I'm doing with makeup. I don't wear it often, and when I do, you probably can't tell because I really only wear foundation. I am a makeup baby. So when I came across these drastic, incredible makeup jobs on brides for their wedding days, my jaw dropped to the floor, and there it still remains. These before-and-after shots of brides getting their wedding makeup done will truly make you believe in the power of powder.
Bold lip

This picture is crazy because her hair doesn't change much from the first picture to the second, but looking at the first picture, I was like, "Oh, she definitely just rolled out of bed," but paired with that fierce makeup job in the second picture, her hair looks totally glamorous.
Big waves

This woman went from "Midsommar extra" to "supermodel" in one picture. I could literally see her on the cover of a magazine. Those insane waves and that bright red lip are to die for.
I mean, look at that dress and that tiara and that veil. And those earrings! So sparkly! So full of crystals! So fancy! She obviously needed a dramatic makeup job to match, and that's exactly what she got.
Natural glow
While this transformation may be a little less dramatic, it's no less arresting. She still looks like herself, but the makeup ages her...in a good way! She totally looks like a grown-up. The softness of the lip and eye colors are perfect and lovely. This makeup artist nailed it!
This woman is so naturally gorgeous. It's honestly not fair. And this beautiful face of makeup just enhances her incredibly natural features. Side note: That deep red lip is perfect and elegant, and that headpiece is beyond gorgeous.
Bright and cheery
I love a fun, pink lip! And this bride is totally rocking it. Let me just say that it's only recently that I've discovered just how much of a difference using an eyebrow pencil can make. The eyebrow game has to be strong, and hers look totally amazing.
A star
I mean, look at her! It really seems like the amazing makeup job along with those giant sparkly star earrings gave her this confidence that she didn't have in the first photo. She's beautiful either way, but I can tell that she's feeling herself in the second photo.
Smooth and perfect

I love this makeup job because she still looks just like herself, but her skin is smooth and bright and radiant! Her eyeliner is so on point it makes me jealous just to look at it. Seriously. I can't. I'm starting to rage.
I love this bold and edgy look for this bride. I wish I was cool enough to pull of blunt bangs, but I haven't been that cool since I was like 6 years old. I have a feeling she and her partner are tattooed and badass. They'll probably ride down the aisle on their motorcycle.
Beaded beauty
I love this woman's face. Her features are sharp and distinct and beautiful. And her makeup and jewelry just accentuate her amazing features. Listen, she's got a real nose, and I love a real nose. Her eyebrows are epic. And can you say lashes?!
Bejeweled and beautiful

I think this second picture is what comes up when you look up "extra" in the dictionary. Bejewled eyes?! Are you serious?! I didn't even know that was a thing. She's gorgeous in both pictures, obviously, but I just cannot get over the gems surrounding her eyes. What a look!
Model behavior
Her eyeshadow is perfect. The color of her eyes is amazing, and the eye makeup brings them out beautifully. As someone who was born with regular brown eyes, I am always fascinated by people with other eye colors. I love blue and hazel and gray eyes so much.

On her wedding day, a bride should shine. And that's exactly what this woman is doing! I love those giant false eyelashes. I think they're so fun. The longer the better. I want to have eyelashes so long you have to braid them to get them out of the way.
This natural beauty looks like herself, but like the best, most confident version of herself, in the second photo. This makeup artist is from South Africa, and she has a great Instagram account that you should definitely check out.
Good hair
Sometimes, makeup can age you, and other times, it can have the opposite effect. I think this woman looks a little younger and brighter with her bridal makeup on. And I have to say, I love her hair. It's naturally shiny and she's got that totally natural volume that most people would kill for.
Perfectly pink

This gorgeous bride also looks a little younger with makeup on! And I love the pink lip and matching blush. The side swept curls just complete the look. In all these pictures, I keep thinking that I hope these women don't lose it crying at their wedding because they'll end up with makeup streaking down all their faces!
Glamour shot
She looks like a little girl in the photo on the left and a full-on hot model in the second. This makeup artist and beauty influencer, Arber Bytyqi, has an incredible Instagram account with a huge following of over 300,000 people, clearly for good reason.
Extra, extra!

Look at those earrings. Those have to weigh like 10 pounds each. And that's not just a tiara. That's a full-on crown. This woman wants to be the center of attention on her wedding day, and with this hair and makeup, she definitely will be.
Smoldering gaze

Look at this supermodel! This transformation is incredibly dramatic to me. She looks like such a "girl next door" in the first picture and a literal princess in the second. The transformation is particularly evident in her eyes. They just look completely different, and she's got that confident pose down pat.
Princess look
Wow. In this look, her eyebrows and her hair look so drastically different that she almost looks like a completely different person with makeup on. Gorgeous! Her partner isn't going to know what hit them when she walks down the aisle.