There Are Strange Things People Notice About Their Bodies — Some of Them You Won't Believe!
Published Oct. 22 2023, 2:14 p.m. ET

A recent post on Reddit asked the question, "What did you think was normal about your body until someone pointed out that it wasn't?"
The post has gotten a lot of people talking since Oct. 18, 2023 and it has since earned over 13,000 up votes.
Reddit is known for its goofy posts and conversation starters. The platform brings users together to discuss their thoughts and opinions on topics you may not otherwise consider.
In this specific case, commenters discuss anomalies such as double uvulas and third nipples. And guess what? More people have abnormal bodies than you may think. So, what are the strange things about their bodies that users are willing to share? Find out below.
Some of the strange things people notice about their bodies are actually discussed by celebrities.
One commenter to the Reddit post admitted to having a third nipple. The person said, "I have a third nipple. I always thought it was a mole on my rib cage and I actually used to like it and kinda thought it was cute."
"As soon as I discovered the truth, I immediately started to dislike it. And it’s funny but it actually does make me feel exposed when I’m wearing a bra or bikini and one of my nipples is showing. Lol," the user continued.
A fun fact that might make this user feel better is that several celebrities have admitted that they too have a third nipple. Stars Lily Allen and Mark Wahlberg have been candid about this abnormal body feature.
However, a fun Harry Styles fact is that he actually has four nipples!
"They’re a bit smaller than the other ones so I don’t look like a cow,” he said during an interview with NOVA FM in 2012.
More "ordinary" folks weighed in with their own fun facts about extra nipples. One even said, "Just FYI — it actually will engorge during lactation if you decide to have kids."
There are many more strange things people notice about their bodies.
Many users admitted to strange and abnormal features of their bodies. One person confessed to having a big head, and instead of being teased, he received supportive comments from others who share this same issue.
"When I joined the army, they didn't have a hat big enough for me," a user admitted. "They cracked up... And called me Charlie Brown. It took two weeks of that before a hat arrived big enough for me."
Another user admitted to have astigmatism, which is a defect in the eye that causes blurred distance and near vision. One person thanked the user for their post, as it helped them realize their own astigmatism.
They said, "I knew about the lens flare, but I get the ‘double’ vision as well — like a second image but a dulled or semi transparent version, but each eye does it, so it’s not my eyes being misaligned."
"I thought I was weird, but it turns out that’s the astigmatism too!" the person concluded.
From irregular heartbeats, to tongue abnormalities, to hyperactive eyebrows, hey, the lesson here seems to be that no matter what you may think is weird about your body, someone out there can relate.
Of course, it's important to note that if you do notice something peculiar about your body, and it's causing you pain, or you are concerned, rather than linger on Reddit, it's a good idea to seek medical attention to be sure you understand what's going on with you.
Then, head back to Reddit to commiserate with folks who know just how you feel. Or, don't feel. Since as someone shared in the thread, "My body eats anesthesia. So, it's take twice as much anesthesia for half the time. That was a surprise for the first intervention!"