Here's What the Moon Symbol on TikTok Means!
Updated May 18 2020, 6:13 p.m. ET

As we've all been continuing to practice social distancing amid the current coronavirus pandemic (also known as COVID-19), you've probably found yourself scrolling through TikTok videos for hours (at least we have)! The viral app is a massive hit among Gen Z'ers, but has recently skyrocketed in popularity with celebrities and adults.
With challenges, choreographed dance videos, lip-sync clips, and funny skits, this short-form video app has certainly been our major source of entertainment, aside from binge-watching Netflix shows. While new trends pop up on TikTok each day, one symbol that recently surfaced on users' profiles is a moon symbol. So, what does it mean?

So, what does the moon symbol mean on TikTok?
People have been questioning what the moon symbol next to their usernames could possibly mean.
"Does anyone know what this moon symbol means on TikTok?? It shows up when I go live and when I join other people’s lives," one person asked via Twitter.
Another posted: "What does the moon icon next to a username in the live chat mean?"
According to a few people, the symbol has to do with the religious holiday Ramadan. "It’s from a tik tok Ramadan scavenger hunt, and you appeared to have collected all the 'pieces,'" posted one user. Another added, "The moon is to show support for Ramadan."
In 2020, Ramadan is being celebrated from April 23 until May 23 and is "considered one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims."
According to "Ramadan is a month of intense spiritual rejuvenation with a heightened focus on devotion, during which Muslims spend extra time re-reading the Qur’an and performing special prayers."
And, this isn't the only symbolic meaning on the social media app!
What do two fingers touching symbolize on TikTok? It may actually surprise you!
Another popular video trend that has taken off is people posting videos of themselves putting two fingers together to symbolize something very specific. Instead of using emojis, people are acting out the symbols in videos, and when you see a person putting their finger tips together, it is a symbol that they are shy.
The act symbolizes shyness or nervousness as that individual is trying to gather their courage to express what is on their mind. While there are numerous videos of people acting out this symbol on TikTok, it is also prevalent on Twitter. You can find individuals posting the two hands pointing towards one another on Twitter, usually accompanied by some sort of sad face or nervous face.
With TikTok constantly debuting new trends and hand motions, we're not surprised that this symbol has gone viral!