Here's Who Was Sent Packing Each Week in the 'Big Brother' Eviction (SPOILERS)
Two houseguests are initially put on the block in Season 26 of 'Big Brother.'

Updated Oct. 11 2024, 10:04 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 26 of Big Brother.
There are a few things in life that are certain — death, taxes, and a Big Brother live eviction. Often, the person who ends up getting evicted comes as a surprise to fans. Other times, houseguest evictions are very predictable and viewers are left breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Like other reality competition shows, Big Brother gets rid of players each week with a vote from the contestants themselves. Only, with this series, it's all done in the weekly live episode on Thursdays. And after multiple commercial breaks and Diary Room commentary about the votes, it's revealed who is booted off.
So, who went home this week in Season 26? Read on to find out!
Week 1 - Matt Hardeman

The first eviction is always the hardest on Big Brother. The person sent packing barely has time to get their feet wet and they don't even get to go to the jury house. But the first eviction of Big Brother 26 sees Matt in a tough spot. After HOH Angela's wild blowout at him and the other houseguests, he's left scrambling to get enough votes to remain in the game. In the end, he only has three allies who don't vote for his eviction.
Week 2 — Lisa Weintraub

This week, Lisa was sure that Angela Murray would be out the door. Mostly because literally everyone assured her that would happen. But in the end, chaos prevailed, and the majority of the houseguests voted to get Lisa out instead of Angela. Maybe Lisa should take it as a compliment, since it means she is a better competitor than Angela. The sting of the blindside is hard to ignore, though.
Week 3 — Kenney Kelley

It's hard to believe this is only Week 3 of Big Brother, because the game play is out of this world. When Kenney and Quinn Martin find themselves on the block together, the other houseguests give Kenney what he has wanted for a while — an out, so he can go home to his family. He has wrestled with the idea of staying versus going home becaus ehe misses his family. For the other houseguests, this was a no-brainer. It might have been more advantageous to get Quinn out, however, since he still holds a power.
Week 4 — Cedric Hodges

In an effort to send Tucker Des Lauriers packing, Quinn Martin used his Deep Fake HOH power to nominate Tucker along with Makensy Manbeck and Cedric Hodges. However, Tucker saved himself by winning the Power of Veto.
Quinn then nominated Rubina Bernabe as a replacement nominee. During the BB A.I. Arena, Makensy claimed victory and also removed herself from the block. Ultimately, Cedric was evicted by a vote of 6-3.
Week 5 — Brooklyn Rivera

Despite many fans believing HoH Tucker Des Lauriers would take out Quinn Martin, he surprised everyone by shifting his focus to Brooklyn Rivera instead.
Tucker maintained his power by winning the Power of Veto and using it to take Quinn off the block. He then nominated Chelsie Baham as Quinn's replacement.
After losing the BBAI Arena competition, Brooklyn was evicted by a vote of 8-1.
Week 6 — Tucker Des Lauriers

Week 6 was a wild week for Tucker, considering it was his ally T'kor's HOH reign. He offered to go on the block as a pawn, but when Chelsie flipped the house to get him out, he was evicted. And whether you loved him or hated his unpredictable game, there's no denying that the Big Brother house is going to be a lot less exciting without Tucker there.
Week 7 — Joseph Rodriguez

The last houseguest to get the boot before jury was video store clerk Joseph Rodriguez. His friend, Quinn Martin, who was the Head of Household, decided to put Joseph on the block alongside Rubina and Kimo after the Power of Veto ceremony.
Rubina won the AI Arena competition and ensured her safety for another week, while Joseph and Kimo remained on the block for the live vote. Ultimately, Joseph was evicted with a narrow 4-3 vote.
Week 8 — Quinn Martin

And the first member of the Big Brother 26 jury is Quinn Martin! Although HoH Chelsie and POV winner Makensy discussed keeping Quinn over Kimo, he was ultimately evicted by a vote of 4-2.
Week 9 — T'Kor Clottey

The second Big Brother 26 houseguest to join Quinn Martin in the jury house is none other than T'Kor Clottey. She found herself on the block after the POV ceremony, where Angela saved Kimo, leading HOH Leah to name T'Kor as the replacement nominee.
During the live eviction episode, T'Kor was evicted by a vote of 4-1.
Week 10 — Leah Peters and Angela Murray

It's double eviction night! In the September 26 episode, Leah Peters became the first houseguest evicted with a unanimous 4-0 vote. Her block buddy, Angela Murray, nearly wins the double eviction HOH title but ultimately loses to Chelsie.
Chelsie nominates Kimo and Angela, targeting Angela for eviction. Kimo wins the POV competition and saves himself, prompting Chelsie to replace him with Rubina. In the end, Angela is evicted by a vote of 3-0.
Week 11 — Kimo

Kimo made it all the way to the final five, but in the end, he was outnumbered. Both Cam and Chelsie voted Kimo out and kept Rubina in for the sake of their own individual games. Now, Rubina could be on her way out if she doesn't secure a couple of crucial wins ahead of the final eviction before finale night.
Week 12 — Rubina

On some level, Rubina knew she was going home in the final live eviction before finale night. Makensy had the deciding vote between Rubina and Cam, and Makensy is aligned with Cam and Chelsie. It made sense for Makensy's game to sent Rubina to the jury house, thereby keeping Cam around. Now, it's up to Rubina and the other jurors, along with one of the final three, to decide who wins Big brother Season 26.
'Big Brother' also has double evictions sometimes.
Double evictions are always wild from the start on Big Brother. Naturally, fans want to know ahead of any given season if there are plans to shock the players with one (or more) double evictions. But what would be the fun in knowing ahead of time if host Julie Chen Moonves and producers decide to eliminate two houseguests in one night?
When a double eviction happens on Big Brother, two players are sent home in one night as fast-paced Head of Household and Veto competitions are played after the regularly scheduled eviction takes place. Then, another player is evicted. It's intense in the best way and it's something fans look forward to each season, even if it means more houseguests are taken out of the game.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays at 9 p.m. EST and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS and Paramount Plus.