Woman Shares PSA About Putting Feet on Dash: "This Could Have Been so Much Worse"

Published Oct. 16 2023, 6:20 p.m. ET
If you're going to be riding in a car for any amount of time, you probably have little things that you do to make yourself comfortable. Some people scroll through their phones or play on a gaming handheld. Others might put on music or a podcast. If you're a passenger, you might even find make yourself at home by putting your feet up on the dash.
However, not many people would recommend that last one. @dsaenz94 on TikTok has a full-blown PSA for not putting your feet up on the dash in a car. In fact, she gives her impassioned argument while wearing her multiple casts. Let's break down what OP went through and the simple thing you can do to avoid the same accident.
This woman shares a quick PSA, asking folks not to put their feet up on the dash of a car.
By the time OP shared her video in mid-October 2023, she'd been in a car accident six months ago. As of this writing, she is still wearing multiple body casts and is recovering from broken bones.
OP begins by making the ironic statement that several months before the accident, she had already watched another PSA in which a mortician warned people against putting their feet on the dashboard of a car while it was in motion. Reportedly, this mortician had seen plenty of bodies from accidents where the victims had their feet up on the dash. She'd heeded the warning for a little while but started it up again at some point, and she paid the price.
"You just don't think it's gonna happen to you until it happens to you," OP laments in her video.
As OP recalls, she and her husband were visiting family in Iowa. They were driving in their car and OP had her feet up on the dash. Suddenly, another car crashed into their side and sent their vehicle rolling.
When she regained consciousness, she found herself on the ceiling of her flipped car. What's more, she sustained some serious injuries and bone breakages almost specifically because her feet were on the dashboard.
As of this writing, she's still recovering from four broken bones as well as from glass cutting her feet. Unsurprisingly, one of the most notable lessons she took away from this harrowing accident was to keep her feet off of the dashboard.
"I just feel like this could have been so much worse," OP posits, thankful that if nothing else, she had survived the accident to begin with.
Another thing she'd learned was to be more thoughtful of other people on the road. When being driven to her many appointments by her husband, he's reportedly had to be careful driving her to avoid exacerbating her injuries. In a follow-up video, she states that this ordeal has given her newfound sympathy for slower drivers.
"Now I realize you don't know what someone's going through in the car," OP shares. "Maybe they're older or maybe they just got in an accident. There's probably a reason why."
She also stresses that maintaining the speed limit is more important than people might think at first. While some of us may be guilty of fudging the limit by two or five miles an hour, staying within that limit can make all the difference. OP revealed that if either car in accident were driving any faster than the speed limit, things could have ended far more tragically.
"I hope this brings some awareness," OP stresses. "Just be careful on the road, guys."