Half-Brother Reaches Out to Sister After Years of Silence Asking for Donations for BBQ Wedding
Published June 18 2023, 8:39 a.m. ET
If hell exists, there's probably a special place in it for people who only reach out to others whenever they need something. You know the type, of hypocritical ones who maybe send tenuous texts here or there in order to do the bare minimum, at face value, to try and timidly maintain a relationship.
The types of people who expect to get a bunch in return but don't really appear to contribute anything meaningful to others? Call them selfish, greedy, toxic, narcissistic, or whatever you want to label them: they're just generally awful to be around and just interacting with them can make you feel icky.
Sadly, sometimes we're related to folks like this by blood or have had long-standing relationships with them that just giving them the cold shoulder for a good kind of feels wrong. Like sticking around to watch the final seasons of a show even after it's gone off the rails and you know it's not really doing anything for you anymore, but you just have to see it through till the end.
And TikToker Alyssa Seremet (@alyssa.seremet) says that she, unfortunately, has someone like this in her own family: a half-brother who hasn't spoken to her in years, but decided to finally try and set up lines of communication again in an attempt to fund his wedding.
She called him out for the message he sent her in a viral TikTok that's accrued nearly 11,000 likes on the popular social media platform.
Alyssa writes in a text overlay of the video: "When your dusty half-brother reaches out for the first time in years to raise money for his WEDDING"
She lip-syncs audio in the clip of someone else saying, "What happened to hello? How are you? My name is..."
She provides a screenshot of the message from her "dusty" brother in question, which reads: "Hola sis, Surprise! You're invited to celebrate our union as husband and wife [heart emoji]."
The notice goes on: "Please RSVP no later than 7/1. All details are included within our website." The message then includes a link that has been crossed out, along with the password to the RSVP details.
The end of the message also reads: "We are accepting donations...our cash fund registry also...included in the site. Can't wait to see you th[ere]," and then the rest of the text cuts out.
Alyssa adds in a caption for the clip: "Im sorry to say not only do i have a half brother… but he too.. is a DUSTY."
Commenters seemed equally grossed out by the way her brother was clearly hitting her up for a cash grab: "A texted invitation and 3 weeks to rsvp is crazy"
Another said that they couldn't understasnd why people would throw a wedding if they were unable to afford it to begin with: "that's so wild, why throw a wedding when he can't afford it?? smh"
Someone else echoed this sentiment: "The audacity of throwing a party W/O funds BUT how will he provide if he cant fund a wedding"
Alyssa's response to the aforementioned comment provided details on the nature of her half brother's wedding that somehow made his clamoring for money all the worse: "Tell me how it’s a BBQ at a PARK too"
What do you think? Do you agree that it was a grimy move on the part of her half-brother? Are folks justified in "panhandling" and asking for money just because they've decided to get married?