Can the 2021 Vision YouTube Channel Actually Predict the Future? We're Spooked

Published Feb. 24 2021, 5:32 p.m. ET

As if 2021 couldn’t get any weirder, an account called 2021 Vision just came out of the woodwork on YouTube predicting the deaths of our favorite celebrities. Not only that, but the reason so many people are freaked out by this account is the accurate predictions that came from a similar 2020 Vision YouTube account.
Now, we’re all worried that the 2021 Vision YouTube account could be telling the truth.
Of course, this might all be one giant conspiracy theory. Many YouTubers were able to figure out the semantics behind the 2020 Vision YouTube account and we’ll know pretty quickly if the 2021 Vision YouTube account’s predictions are correct. The hype began on TikTok (shocker!) when one TikToker found the original 2020 Vision YouTube channel that was created in 2017 and accurately predicted the deaths of celebrities in 2020. Now a 2021 version has popped up to do the same.

The 2021 Vision YouTube account has predicted the deaths of many beloved celebrities.
One of the reasons that the 2021 Vision YouTube account is so freaky is because it has predicted the deaths of many celebrities we know and love. The first death predicted is the rapper Tyga on March 12, so we’ll pretty much know by then if the 2021 Vision YouTube account really knows exactly who is going to die and when.

2021 Vision YouTube account predicts the death of Eminem
The 2021 Vision YouTube account says Tyga, Kanye West, 50 Cent, and more will die.
There are quite a few notable celebs on the hit list. Some rappers include Kanye West, 50 Cent, Eminem, and 6ix9ine, but honestly, what is the likelihood of all those big guns dying in the same year? It’s also predicted that Kim Kardashian will die, which seems highly unlikely unless it’s somehow related to her soon-to-be ex-husband’s predicted death.

Apparently, Tom Cruise, J-Lo, and Bruce Willis should fear for their lives too.
Some big-time actors have their days numbered too including Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, J-Lo, Robert De Niro, and Bruce Willis. We can see how these potential losses are upsetting, and if they’re upsetting to us, imagine how the actual celebrities must feel! We probably wouldn’t leave our houses on our predicted day (not like we can really go anywhere anyway right now).

The account has also predicted that Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, and other well-known athletes will die.
Finally, the 2021 Vision YouTube account doesn’t shy away from athletes, especially since one of the most notable 2020 Vision YouTube predictions was Kobe Bryant’s death on Jan. 26, 2020.
Some predicted 2021 athlete deaths include Michael Jordan, Willie Mays, Conor McGregor, Lance Armstrong, and Billie Jean King. It almost seems a little too coincidental to pick so many record-breaking mainstream athletes.
Many YouTubers have debunked the validity of the 2021 Vision YouTube account.
A few YouTubers, such as King Benny Garcia and Jake Carlini have delved into how the 2020 Vision YouTube predictions were accurate, and why the 2021 Vision YouTube account is a total scam. In the bio of the 2020 Vision YouTube account, it states, “This is my only channel. 2021 Vision, 2025 vision, 2030 vision - ALL ARE FRAUDS.”
With the hype of the 2020 Vision YouTube account that circulated around TikTok, it was only natural for a copycat to come up with a 2021 version to capitalize off the ad revenue that YouTube provides. Recently, many savvy YouTubers have shared their “cash cow” YouTube tips and tricks, and it seems like 2021 Vision might be using some of those techniques.

The reason the 2020 Vision account is accurate is not that whoever is running the account is psychic. In fact, despite the fact that the account was created in 2017 and all the videos were posted in 2017, none of the videos came to light until recently. Why is this? Well, it seems that using simple editing tricks by making 30-minute videos of different celebrities with every date and then trimming it after the fact, then making the video public, was an easy way to trick us all.
Even though the 2021 Vision account doesn’t have the luxury of posthumous posting, they’re able to capitalize on the popularity of the 2020 Vision account until their next death predicted on March 12. That’s almost a month out, so it gives the account plenty of time to get hundreds of thousands of clicks, followers, and views, considering the fact they already have 145K subscribers, which is more than the original 2020 Vision channel.
People are freaking out because of the 2021 Vision YouTube account.

The 2021 Vision YouTube account did post a terrifying masked video announcing, “We want to clarify that all this is true and it is just the beginning.” We can all admit that any sort of anonymous video with a masked voice is pretty chilling. Not only that, but 2021 Vision created an Instagram account in which they’ll predict the death dates of their users.
Some people on social media are genuinely concerned that the 2021 Vision account is the real deal and that they are correct about all the celebrity deaths. All we know is that if Tyga does die by mysterious causes on March 12, the anonymous 2021 Vision account creator will likely be a suspect.