Virizion Is One of the First December 2022 Raid Battles for 'Pokémon GO' — Can You Catch a Shiny One?

Published Nov. 30 2022, 6:37 p.m. ET
It's an all new season for IRL Pokémon Trainers in Pokémon GO. December 2022 marks Season 9 for the mobile ARG. Entitled "Mythical Wishes," the Timed Research tasks for the season seek to grant players' wishes for bonus XP and other rewards. This season also marks the debut of Mega Kyogre and Mega Groudon to the game.
Of course, a new season means a whole new set of Five-star raid battles as well. Players will be able to team up against powerful Legendary Pokémon for the chance to add them to their collection.
Season 9 of Pokémon GO kicks off with raid battles for Virizion and Mega Abomasnow.
Players who want Virizion in their collection will be in for a tough battle, but can you catch a Shiny Virizion during this event?
Can Virizion be shiny in 'Pokémon GO'?
Virizion is a Legendary Grass/Fighting-type Pokémon that was first introduced in the Unova Region from Gen V. This incredibly powerful species is one of four very elite Legendary Pokémon known collectively as the Swords of Justice.
Its Shiny version is a stark contrast from its usual appearance. Where as a normal Virizion is primarily green with reddish accents, a Shiny Virizion has its color palette swapped completely for a red body with green accents.
Virizion was first introduced to Pokémon GO in 2019 and has since appeared in raid battles throughout 2021.
The end of 2022 marks its return to raid battles for players to team up against. And for Shiny hunters out there, you're in luck. Throughout the first week of December, you can encounter Shiny Virizions during raids.
Of course, no raid battle is an easy feat, especially when Virizion is concerned. The team at Niantic suggests using Fire, Ice, Poision, Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type attacks against this particular species. Flying-type Pokémon are also effective against Virizion.
With only a one in 20 chance for Shiny Pokémon to appear in Raids, you'll want to make the most out of Virizion's raid battle event while you can.
Virizion raid battles in Pokémon GO take place from Dec. 1 to Dec. 8.