Drive-Thru Customer Freaks out When Manager Won’t Break Company Policy for Him In Viral Video

Updated April 16 2023, 12:12 p.m. ET

Working in the foodservice industry certainly has its ups and downs. While there have been reported nationwide wage increases for workers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with some businesses offering more competitive salaries than others, there's a strong argument to be made that dealing with some customers may not be worth it.
For whatever reason, there's been an uptick in appalling behavior from folks who decide that the best way to vent their frustrations is to treat an employee of a fast-food establishment like poo. And because we're living in a day and age where pretty much everyone has access to a smartphone that can record and push out video footage to the internet in a matter of seconds, more and more folks are seeing this type of footage than ever before.
TikToker Sam Aguirre who goes by @samwars42 shared one such interaction she had with a drive-thru customer who couldn't accept the fact she wasn't allowed to process multiple discounts under one transaction. She did her best to honor the man's request by processing the discounts through separate transactions, but the individual on camera didn't want to do things that way.
In short, he wanted her to violate corporate policy even though he spoke to her in a rude and belittling manner.
In a text overlay on the since-deleted video, Sam wrote, "Just a little glimpse of what I go through on the daily."
In the clip, the man can be seen at the drive-thru window saying to Sam, "If the cops show up, my son's a cop."
"Thank you have a good day," Sam says.
"Hey, are you a manager?"
"Yep have a good day OK? Sorry we couldn't help you. Thanks for cursing at us. We appreciate it."
"You're an idiot. I hope you get fired," replies the customer.
Sam delineated what happened further in a follow-up TikTok. She described the initial interaction with the customer as "normal" when he asked to use multiple discounts on an order.

The man didn't really like this answer he got and demanded that they all be put on one transaction and responded (according to the TikToker) with something along the lines of "No, that's not what I want, listen, don't argue with me."

After discussing it some more, Sam said that she could apply a veteran discount to the order which the man agreed upon. Sam then added that the man threatened to have her fired as his son worked for the fast-food chain. "I know personally upper management so I'm like, 'No your son doesn't work here. I didn't tell him that but that's what I'm thinking," the employee divulges in the clip.

She went on to say that she informed the man he wasn't going to be served because of the way he spoke to her mainly because she had "minors on shift" who she believed shouldn't be subjected to that kind of behavior from a customer.

Sam then reportedly told the man that if he wouldn't leave the premises or stop harassing her and the location's workers she was going to call the police, but that didn't seem to deter the individual. "What are the cops going to do to a man like me?" he said.

Sam decided to record her interaction with the individual when he said he wanted to drive up to the window to talk to her, and that's what was shown in the viral clip.
In another update, Sam says that the man was banned from the store from a fellow manager who was on shift.
Throngs of commenters praised Same for her patience in handling the situation, especially when many discounts/coupons state plainly that they usually cannot be applied to the same order.