Ring in Spring on March 21 by Giving Someone Yellow Flowers! Here's What They Signify
March 21 is National Flower Day, but if you give someone yellow flowers, it means something special.

Published March 21 2024, 10:20 a.m. ET

For folks living in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is about to, uh... spring in late March! Although the weather in your area may not exactly be primed for picnics or eating out, the spring solstice still takes place every year between March 19 and March 21. That means that warm sunny days and gorgeous flowers are just around the corner for many of us. We may have some April showers to contend with before hitting May flowers, but March still kicks off one of the most vibrant seasons ever.
Of course, one of those national days occurs around this time as well! While every day of the year seems to be dedicated to some random celebration, this one actually lines up with the changing of the seasons. You may see some folks celebrating National Flower Day on March 21. However, giving someone yellow flowers on this day may send some interesting signals. Here's what giving yellow flowers on March 21 means for many.

March 21 is National Flower Day, but yellow flowers mean something else entirely.
It would make sense for National Flower Day in the U.S. to coincide with the first day of spring. After all, this is the season when animals, plants, and flowers emerge after the cold winter days and things start to look far more colorful than the blankets of white you have to shovel out of your driveway. Flowers are quite literally in season starting on March 21 and there are few better ways to celebrate than by taking in their scents and colors as they bloom.
But just as individual flowers have their own language, certain colors of flowers hold their own meaning. This is especially true when it comes to yellow flowers on March 21.
Many TikTokers are gearing up to give or receive yellow flowers on the first day of spring. Interestingly enough, they mean something special.
According to influencers, giving someone yellow flowers on March 21 means that you want the person to whom you're gifting to be in your life forever. In other words, yellow flowers are a wildly romantic gesture. If you happen to get a yellow flower from someone, they may just be trying to tell your something about your relationship.
September 21 has a similar tradition in the southern hemisphere.
The same tradition is kept in the Southern Hemisphere, where the first day of spring occurs on September 21. Particularly in Mexico, boys may give girls yellow flowers between Sept. 21 and 23. As you might expect, they hold the same affectionate significance that yellow flowers have on March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.
Different types of flowers can have wildly different meanings, but yellow flowers in spring seem to send the same kind of messages all over the world.