MrBeast Gives Most of His Money Away, So How Is He So Ridiculously Rich?

Updated Feb. 11 2021, 5:08 p.m. ET
In the world of famous YouTubers, Jimmy Donaldson — better known as MrBeast — reigns supreme. He’s an internet sensation with almost 6 billion views and counting. Not to mention, he has a following that’s more than 33 million subscribers strong.
He’s also one of the richest YouTubers out there, with an estimated net worth of $18 million at just 21 years old.
MrBeast is known as YouTube’s biggest philanthropist.
MrBeast isn’t just a famous YouTuber, but also a viral philanthropist, known for his stunt videos and large monetary giveaways. As his Twitter bio states, “I want to make the world a better place before I die.”
In his first major act of philanthropy, MrBeast donated $10,000 to a homeless man. In addition to strangers on the street, he’s donating hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to #BlackLivesMatter as well as to coronavirus relief efforts.
He has given away more than $1 million in under two years. But his giveaways aren’t always focused on global causes or relief funds. One of his recent, viral giveaways is ongoing, during which he vows to give $1 to a friend of his for every 1,000 views a video on his channel receives. The video is already up to 21 million views.
He also just spent 50 hours in solitary confinement, proving that his channel isn’t strictly philanthropy based, but that fans are interested in his content all the same.
But how did MrBeast make his money?
As his channel gained more attention, MrBeast began getting sponsorship offers from bigger and bigger name companies, including Quidd, CSGO Lotto, TikTok, and more. This includes money to donate or give away, and money to keep for himself (and for production).
YouTube creators also make money per 1,000 views each video receives, as advertisers pay big money to place their ads on high-traffic content.
And with the kind of traffic that MrBeast’s channel pulls in, it’s estimated that he could earn an average of $40,000 per day ($15 million a year) just from the ads that run alongside his videos.
Like many of his YouTube cohorts, MrBeast also has his own merch site, which fans go nuts for.
If he gives so much away, why is MrBeast so rich?
It’s pretty simple: Everyone wants in on one of the most popular YouTube channels out there, and MrBeast’s feel-good business model is unique.
Companies and advertisers feel good about working with MrBeast, because he’s doing good in the world, and using his platform to create positive change in the world. So the more sponsors he gets, the more he gives away.
And the more views his content earns, the more money he makes at the end of the day, and more sponsorship offers come in. It’s a cycle of cash and creation that definitely works for him.
“If you want the special secret, if you want to know where it all came from — my parents aren’t that rich, I’m only 20 years old, every dollar I’ve ever made came from YouTube, and YouTube just pays better than you think,” he told The Verve.
Keep creating and we’ll keep watching, MrBeast!