Here's How to Show the Battle Bus Driver Some Love in 'Fortnite' on All Platforms

Published Oct. 21 2021, 3:25 p.m. ET

There's no shortage of hidden fun to be had in a game like Fortnite. From blowing up hiding spots to the strategic viability of porta-potties, there are plenty of cute quirks and charming gameplay mechanics that can either help you reach pro-status or just provide a tiny bit of enjoyment.
One of those tiny kernels of fun comes in the form of your interactions with the Battle Bus driver.
The Battle Bus is an "aerial vehicle" (a blue bus tied to a hot air balloon does technically qualify) that transports players to the Island before every match. Players can exit the Battle Bus at any point to begin the match, but it will immediately eject everyone once it reaches the end of its trajectory.
Of course, even a bus as ridiculous as the Battle Bus has someone driving it. Anyone who's ridden city transit via bus before would do well to thank the driver at the end of their trip, so why should the NPC steering the Battle Bus be any different?
Here's how you can thank the driver of the Battle Bus before you start your Fortnite match.

You can thank the driver on all platforms.
The function to thank the Battle Bus Driver was added in Season 5 for the v5.30 update in 2018. The update reportedly came in response to a petition asking the creators to include this mechanic.
Thanking the Bus Driver doesn't necessarily affect the gameplay, aside from the occasional quest objective that asks you to thank them in exchange for XP or other rewards. But it's still a fun and charming way for players to engage in Fortnite.
The function is available on all gaming platforms. For controllers on most major consoles (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch) simply press "down" on the directional pad while you're in the Battle Bus. For keyboard players, just press "B." If you're playing on a mobile device or a tablet, the Emote button on your screen will do the trick.
The game will also display that you've thanked the Battle Bus Driver on the Elimination Feed.

The Battle Bus and its driver can get all sorts of attention.
Fortnite has shown the Battle Bus and the Driver plenty of love throughout each Season. Players are able to tip the Bus Driver using in-game gold bars. If you make a large enough tip, the Driver will respond with an appreciative honk overhead. While it's not the most gratifying way to spend your hard-earned bars, it is an easy way to fulfill challenges that require you to spend many at once.
Occasionally, the Bus will even receive visual upgrades for special occasions. The Battle Bus observes most major holidays like Halloween and Christmas.
In Marvel collabs, the Bus has even been decked out by Deadpool and Stark Industries.
Even in Fortnite, never forget to thank your Battle Bus Driver. It can't be easy to transport all those players everywhere.