"This Is Not Legal" — Neighbor Installs DIY Speed Bumps in the Road, Baffles the Internet

Published Aug. 28 2023, 5:13 p.m. ET
Chances are you may have had to deal with an annoying neighbor before. Perhaps you can even remember the worst thing they've ever done. Maybe they played music too loud or had a rowdy get-together in their backyard that could be heard on the whole block. They may have even knocked on your door to pester you about something out of your control. You might have even had to deal with conservative neighbors who have way too many Trump flags on their lawns.
But no matter how annoying your neighbors may have been or even might be, they've probably never done anything like this before. Steve Green on TikTok (@greenfoxmotox) put his own neighbor on blast after they installed their own DIY speed bumps along the road where their house lies. Not only does no one like them, but they also seem wildly non-regulation. Let's break down this neighbor's bold move and what people have to say about it.
This neighbor installed DIY speed bumps on their road, at the behest of no one.
If we had a nickel for every time someone installed their own fake speed bumps in the middle of their neighborhood road, we'd have two nickels. That's not a lot of nickels, but it's weird that it happened twice. In this particular instance, Steve Green took the time to call out his unnamed neighbor for their unsolicited DIY speed bumps.
According to Steve, this neighbor was upset with people speeding down the street. While that's a pretty reasonable reaction to folks speeding in a quiet suburban neighborhood, this spurned some action that was wildly uncalled for. They installed not one, not two, but four DIY speed bumps in the middle of their road, presumably to discourage the aforementioned speeding.
From the jump, Steve points out so many things that are wrong with these speed bumps. For one, three of them are clustered very closely together with the fourth off by its lonesome slightly further down. Secondly, the bumps themselves were reportedly "taller than the curb," creating a considerable safety hazard.
"These aren't speed bumps," Steve claimed. "They're f------ whoop sections." You know, those rows of mini-hills you'd see on a dirt bike supercross track?
By the time Steve recorded his TikTok, cars had already scuffed and scratched these makeshift speed bumps considerably.
In a quick update, Steve revealed that the speed bumps had been painted over with yellow zigzags, presumably to make them easier to see. In all likelihood, these speed bumps weren't sanctioned officially by the town, given the shoddy nature with which they were designed and sorted.
Shocking a resounding no one, these DIY speed bumps have earned the ire of the internet. One person in the comments section of the original video claimed that the neighbor was in for a "fat lawsuit from damages [on] the drivers and huge fines from the city."
Another commenter claimed, "my RC car would love those."
People echoed the sentiment in the follow-up. One person said, "At that point, I'm driving over the lawn to avoid that." Another person was baffled by the thought process behind placing three speed bumps close together while leaving their fourth one remarkably separate.
It would be one thing if a neighbor went out of their way to install their own speed bumps. You'd have to have a lot of time and resources to want to do that on your own. But the fact that they were set up poorly and could likely endanger the lives of drivers going over them makes this whole thing an exercise in disproportionate problem solving creating bigger issues.
And honestly, wouldn't a Speed Limit sign have been a safer and more plausible solution?