'Big Brother 23's Cookout Alliance Has Taylor's Back During Season 24

Published July 11 2022, 9:10 a.m. ET

Race and equality have always been a point of discussion among Big Brother houseguests. But it wasn't until Season 23, when The Cookout alliance formed, that real change was affected. The alliance was formed in the first week, consisting of Azah Awasum, Derek Frazier, Kyland Young, Hannah Chaddha, Tiffany Mitchell, and Xavier Prather. The goal was to help crown the first ever Black Big Brother winner.
As we know now, the Cookout succeeded in doing just that. And now, Big Brother 23 winner Xavier has some choice words for the current houseguests who, he and many fans feel, are unjustly targeting Taylor Hale.
Right now in the house, as fans have seen on the live feeds, Taylor is being targeted by both the men and women in the house.

Indy, Jasmine, Ameerah, Brittany, and Palomar from the Girls Girls alliance in 'Big Brother 24.'
It started off with an all-girls alliance talking about Taylor behind her back, which led to Taylor being shown crying in the bathroom on the live feeds. And now, some of the men are after her too, even though she bonded with many of them.
But what did Xavier actually say about Taylor on Big Brother 24? He took to Twitter to give a lengthy statement about how he views her game and this season overall. He also shared more about his experience in the house. And he isn't the only Cookout member to speak out about what's happening to Taylor on Big Brother.
So, what did Xavier say about Taylor from 'Big Brother 24'?
On July 10, 2022, Xavier shared a tweet in which he addressed what's happening in the Big Brother 24 house and how he feels Taylor is being mistreated. He wrote that "the treatment of Taylor in #BB24 is a prime example of why The Cookout was formed."
He explained that "members of the Black community (especially Black women) stand no chance in the Big Brother house, due to the perpetuation of microaggressions and unconscious biases which plague our society."
Viewers saw on the show a small portion of how the majority female alliance spoke about Taylor behind her back, pointing out how they believe Taylor is using her experience as a pageant queen to manipulate the men of the house. In reality, Taylor was trying to build her social game, as players often do.
And on the Big Brother live feeds, fellow houseguest Joe "Pooch" Pucciarelli specifically said that he thought Taylor would "get loud and aggressive" if she were put on the block for eviction. His wording and the fact that the majority of the house is seemingly ganging up on Taylor has caused Xavier and other members of the former Cookout alliance to speak out on her behalf.
Azah from 'Big Brother 23' also commented on how houseguests are treating Taylor.
Azah Awasum, another member of The Cookout in Season 23, also shared her thoughts about Taylor on Twitter.
"I made a cognizant effort to "dial back" in the house for these exact reasons," Azah tweeted. "Dark skinned women always have this in the back of our heads. CBS teaches about racial microaggressions, but a section on colorism would be beneficial. Taylor's light will shine outside this house."
Watch Big Brother on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.