Everything You Need to Know to Grow Fluxweed Stems in 'Hogwarts Legacy'

Published Feb. 13 2023, 6:05 p.m. ET

J.K. Rowling has made numerous public anti-trans comments, and while she was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, she is still likely to profit from the title.
As players venture through Hogwarts Legacy, they will come across several kinds of items used to concoct extraordinary potions and collect materials from threatening enemies for completing quests. There's no shortage of resources needed in the open-world RPG game, but most benefit the player in their endeavors.
Often, players will need to grow plants in order to progress through courses that require specific seeds and a suitable pot necessary for the plant. Fluxweed Stems are one of the more useful plants you'll need for various means. You could outright buy them, but you'd get more bang for your buck (or Galleon) by growing them. Here's how to do that.

How to Grow Fluxweed Stems in 'Hogwarts Legacy.'
First things first, you'll need Fluxweed seeds, which you can purchase from the Magic Neep in the northwestern part of Hogsmeade.
The owner, Timothy Teasdale, will be your consistent supplier of seeds, fertilizer, and fresh produce needs throughout Hogwarts Legacy — becoming an instrumental shop to your growth in the Herbology and Potion classes.

Next, you'll need to pick up a large pot from the Tomes and Scrolls store in the southern corner of Hogsmeade. After, head to the Room of Requirement to plant the Fluxweed seeds into the large pot.
Each large pot plant takes 15 minutes in real-world time, so you'll need to wait the required time or find something to accomplish in the meantime. When the allotted time passes, you can then harvest Fluxweed stems.
You can make efficient potions with Fluxweed stems in 'Hogwarts Legacy.'
With Fluxweed stems, you can craft two unique potions in Hogwarts Legacy: Focus Potion and Felix Felicis Potion.
The Focus Potion will reduce the cooldown timer on your spells in combat, while the Felix Felicis Potion can reveal large loot chest locations once a day.
Both options are pretty efficient, which could see some use during exploration through the Forbidden Forest or when you need a specific spell quickly against a troublesome enemy.

If you're not interested in growing Fluxweed Stems, you could buy them in 'Hogwarts Legacy.'
Alongside other types of plants, the Magic Neep shop in Hogsmeade may also sell Fluxweed stems. However, buying them can be a much more pricer method than growing them yourself.
Although, there may be times when you're growing different plants in the Room of Requirement and don't have space to grow Fluxweed stems, so buying them straight out has its uses. Overall, the preferred method is cultivating them, but it's up to you how exactly you decide to obtain them.
If you or someone you know is a member of the transgender community and in need of support, call the Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR. You can also use TrevorChat, their online instant messaging option, or TrevorText, a text-based support option. If you are looking for peer support, you can visit TrevorSpace from anywhere in the world.