'Big Brother's' Kyle Capener Gets Exposed for Comments "Rooted in Race"

Updated Sept. 1 2022, 11:05 a.m. ET

Kyle Capener from 'Big Brother'
Since entering the house, Kyle Capener has been one of the most disliked houseguests to play Big Brother.
From making several controversial comments about race to blowing up the Leftovers alliance during the "Split House" twist, it appears the 29-year-old TikToker doesn't hold any loyalty to anyone but himself in the game.
Speaking of his questionable remarks, viewers have recently taken to Twitter to voice their concerns and express strong dislike toward Season 24's new villain. As a result, hashtags like #StopProtectingKyle and #KKKyle have been trending worldwide, alongside #KyleExposedParty. But what did he say to get everyone so fired up? Keep reading to find out.
Plus, stick around to see how he reacted once Michael and Brittany exposed him.

Kyle Capener from 'Big Brother'
What did Kyle Capener say about race on Season 24 of 'Big Brother'?
Kyle’s showmance with Alyssa Snider has been a huge part of his storyline thus far in Season 24; however, he recently made headlines for another reason. During a private strategy session with the then-HOH Michael and Brittany on Aug. 5, he tried to convince his fellow houseguests to form an alliance with him and his on-screen lover.
"If you guys can stick up for me, I don’t use the veto, the Leftovers think everything is fine, they don’t think we are on to anything that they were doing," the BB24 contestant said. It was then that Kyle f--ked up.
While chatting with his roommates, Kyle hinted that the six remaining multicultural contestants might have the upper hand. He compared the group to the all-Black Big Brother alliance that appeared in Season 23, the Cookout.
He continued by saying "that possibility of those six with that background, I mean, it looks very similar to the Cookout with a very diverse background. They’ve all expressed why they’re in this game. Joseph, more Middle Eastern representation in TV. Indy, there’s never been a Brazilian contestant or winner."
To keep himself (and his girlfriend) in the game, he suggests that the whites stick together. Yes, you read that right.
"Everyone has those strong 'why’s' that all coincide. I look at our alliance and it’s like, it was great because it was based out of necessity and our backs were against the wall and that’s what brought us together," Kyle told his houseguests.

Kyle Capener from 'Big Brother'
Michael and Brittany exposed Kyle and his racist remarks.
After weeks of built-up tension, Kyle's racial biases and proposal to form an all-white alliance have finally come to a head. On Aug. 28, Michael and Brittany decided to reveal what Kyle had to change the game's trajectory à la Dan's Funeral style.
The pair first told Monte and Taylor before meeting Alyssa in the have-not room. After giving the 24-year-old marketing rep a rundown on what happened with her showmance, she was shocked beyond belief.
Following their long discussion with Alyssa, Michael and Brittany turned their attention to Turner. The 23-year-old thrift store owner and current HOH stated he did not want to be associated with Kyle anymore.
While that conversation was happening in the HOH room, Monte informed Terrance about the scandal. Unfortunately, the 47-year-old bus operator misunderstood, and once Kyle entered the room, Terrance told him that Michael and Brittany were trying to form an all-white alliance.
Kyle was super confused, but he seemed to figure out that Michael and Brittany were telling everyone what he said to them. Now in panic mode, Kyle went to Alyssa, who confirmed his worst fears. After being denied entry into the Diary Room, Kyle was eventually granted access and reportedly had a total meltdown.
Many believed Kyle was going to self-evict, especially since his social media accounts no longer mention his role on Season 24, and his management information has been scrubbed as well. Ultimately, he returned to the game a few hours later.
However, he won't be around much longer; Turner named him the replacement nominee during the most recent Power of Veto ceremony, and Kyle will likely be sent out the door during the live eviction episode on Thursday, Sept. 1.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.