Mandrakes in 'Hogwarts Legacy' Are Great Tools in a Pinch — Here's Where to Get Them

Published Feb. 8 2023, 6:07 p.m. ET

Now that the early access period is in full swing, the many customizable features within the open-world RPG game Hogwarts Legacy are being explored days before its Feb. 10 release. However, players have encountered their fair share of crashes on PC and troubles with connecting to WB Games.
Outside of those problems, Hogwarts Legacy has seen positive reviews from many despite being steeped in controversy.
A crucial part of the early player experience in Hogwarts Legacy involves collecting Mandrakes, known by fans as sentient and magical plants from the Harry Potter franchise with a root shaped like a human.
In Hogwarts Legacy, they serve a few purposes that ultimately help your wizard progress within the game or overcome combat obstacles. If you've been looking for places to find them, here's everything you need to know.

Where to get a Mandrake in 'Hogwarts Legacy.'
It's possible for you to get a Mandrake through different methods, but the most direct way is to buy them from vendors. Not every vendor in the game will sell them, however. Dogweed and Deathcap in the northern part of Hogsmeade usually have Mandrakes in stock, which makes the vendor your best bet if you travel outside Hogwarts.
Sometimes pop-up shops around Hogwarts will regularly sell Mandrakes, too, but you'll need to keep an eye on your mini-map for vendors in the area. Their icon will show as a stack of coins that you could speed past by mistake while flying around the wizard school.
How to grow Mandrakes in 'Hogwarts Legacy.'
Instead of hunting for them around the game world, you can be more proactive and grow Mandrakes.
First things first, you'll need to unlock the Room of Requirement, then conjure a herbology table with a small pot. From here, you can use Mandrake Seeds purchased from Dogweed and Deathcap alongside fertilizer bought from another shop in Hogsmeade to increase the amount of Mandrakes grown.
If you want to reserve your pot, use the one assigned to you within the Herbology classroom.
Mandrakes in 'Hogwarts Legacy' can be used in battle and help unlock an additional spell.
You can assign Mandrakes in Hogwarts Legacy to your potions wheel as a combat tool against enemies. Upon use, Mandrakes can stun enemies with their shrieking cries for a short amount of time.
Early in, players will also use Mandrakes to complete an assignment from Professor Garlick, the presiding teacher over the Herbology class.
Finishing the quest and attending class the next day will teach players the Windardium Leviosa spell, one of the most memorable spells from the series that will levitate heavy opponents in the game.
In a pinch, Mandrakes are great items to turn the tide of a heated battle and see some usage in quests, so keep them handy just in case.
J.K. Rowling has made numerous public anti-trans comments, and while she was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, she is still likely to profit from the title. If you or someone you know is a member of the transgender community and in need of support, call the Trans Lifeline at , the Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (), or TrevorChat, their online instant messaging option, or TrevorText, a text-based support option. If you are looking for peer support, you can visit TrevorSpace from anywhere in the world.
If you or someone you know is a member of the transgender community and in need of support, call the Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR. You can also use TrevorChat, their online instant messaging option, or TrevorText, a text-based support option. If you are looking for peer support, you can visit TrevorSpace from anywhere in the world.