Has Homelander Turned Into 'The Boys'' Donald Trump? There Are Some Obvious Parallels

Published July 9 2022, 12:00 p.m. ET

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for The Boys Season 3 on Prime Video.
Watch out Donald Trump — Homelander (Antony Starr) is giving the former president a serious run for his money during The Boys Season 3. After all, The Boys has always been a political/superhero satire. Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's original comics critiqued the subversive politics of the George W. Bush era.
So has The Boys Season 3 made Homelander the new Trump? There have been some obvious parallels.
Homelander's Trumpian arc begins at his televised birthday party. Fed up with following Vought's PR spin, Homelander snaps. He takes the microphone away from Starlight (Erin Moriarty) and finally says what is really on his mind.
"I don't make mistakes," Homelander declares. "I'm not like the rest of you! I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better!" He is tired of being Vought's puppet, warning viewers, "If they can control me, you can bet your a-- they can control you."

Homelander for president in 'The Boys' Season 4?
Is Homelander supposed to be Donald Trump in 'The Boys' Season 3?
Homelander's declaration of freedom at his birthday party quickly goes viral. His poll numbers skyrocket among certain demographics, inflating Homelander's insatiable ego up to new, dangerous heights.
He doubles down on his new stance on Cameron Coleman's (Matthew Edison) show. Homelander calls out the mainstream media and insinuates that there are powerful people working in the shadows against him and the common interest of the people — even at Vought. (Sound a bit familiar?)
Next thing you know, Homelander orchestrates Vought CEO Stan Edgar's (Giancarlo Esposito) downfall by using Stan's own adopted daughter Nadia (Claudia Doumit) as a double agent. Homelander gleefully reminds Starlight that she can no longer use Stan as a security blanket at Vought. He's finally cut the puppet master's strings.
Meanwhile, Mother's Milk (Laz Alonso) is positively enraged when he discovers that Todd (Matthew Gorman) takes his daughter Janine (Liyou Abere) to a Homelander rally. Mother's Milk and Todd engage in the classic, "No, your side is lying!" argument. Todd believes the "Starlight is a sex-trafficker" story and defends Homelander. Mother's Milk tries to convince Todd that Homelander is a psychopath but Todd won't budge on his stance.
Mother's Milk finally surrenders. He acknowledges that Todd has a right to believe what he wants — but he doesn't have a right to put Janine in danger. Todd isn't her father after all.
"Well, someone's gotta be," Todd retorts. Mother's Milk clocks him. Like Trump, the mere idea of Homelander brings people to blows.
Homelander literally gets away with murder (SPOILERS).
TW: The following section contains mentions of fictional violence.
There's another obvious Trump/Homelander parallel in The Boys Season 3 finale. Remember when Trump joked that he could, "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and [he] wouldn't lose any voters?" Homelander takes Trump's controversial quip about five thousand steps too far and actually murders a random citizen.
In broad daylight. With hundreds of witnesses.
Homelander had just introduced his son Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) to a group of his supporters. A man wearing a "Believe Starlight," t-shirt yells out in protest, calling Homelander a fascist (an accusation that has also been hurled at Trump countless times).
The Starlight defender throws a projectile in Homelander's direction. It ends up striking Ryan in the head. In the past, Homelander would've smiled through his anger, in an attempt to protect his image.
However, the new, unhinged Homelander has absolutely no checks on his power. He blows the Starlight supporter's head to smithereens, soaking his supporters in the victim's blood. One supporter (that looks quite like Todd) cheers, and the whole crowd erupts in adoration for Homelander. Ryan smirks, in awe of Homelander's invincible popularity.
Is a presidential run in Homelander's future when The Boys returns for a fourth season? For once on The Boys, we wouldn't be shocked if that were the case.